“The best way to deliver your message”

MeetingProducer.com © 2011-2014.

The Meeting Producers

8048 Cessna Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20879

Phone:  1-301-963-3200

National: 1-800-996-8977

Meeting Producer Professional Meeting and Event Planners & Technicians

The Meeting Producers Convention Management Team is based in the the Washington, DC Metro area and regularly services the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia markets with high quality convention meeting services.  We know meeting production in the United States of America.

Making your Meeting - All it can be!

Eight Great Ways to increase Meeting Participation

1- Social Media – make sure to post your events to LinkedIn, Face book and Twitter. Your organization should have accounts as well as your staff.  Make sure that everyone utilizes these “free” services to share meeting activities.  Feel free to ask your members to promote that they are planning to attend these meetings on their social media accounts.

2- External Electronic Public Relations – well written and designed press releases distributed to dozens of free Press Release sites and newspapers/magazines – helps to make your organization’s upcoming meetings and events more widely publicized and visible in the search engines.  Make sure to highlight all the meeting events  and include important keywords.

3- Internal Electronic Marketing – does your website for the meeting continually update with new information for meeting participants?  Does your staff include a promotional banner in their email signature for all communications? Do you have a blog and/or company newsletter that is being distributed monthly at a minimum?  Does your phone system’s voicemail system promote upcoming events?  Does your staff answer every email sent into the registration system?  People appreciate knowing that there is more than a computer involved in their registration transaction.

4- Creativity 101 – are your meetings the same format as they have always been?  Thinking out of the box to augment your existing successful meeting elements will help to draw in a new contingency of meeting participation.    Have an open forum discussion internally and don’t be afraid to reach out to those who have participated in your previous meetings for suggestions.

5- Location – Location – Location – When choosing your next event location, have you made it more accessible (via air or ground transportation) to a portion of your previous year’s participants? Participants on the west coast are just as important as those on the east coast.   Does the event location you are choosing offer more than just a nice roof and walls – destinations with different themes and character will keep guest’s interests peaked.

6- Video Works – with the success of Youtube (and many other searchable video sites) – we can all see that television is ultimately headed towards a web based platform.  Creating a video module that shows the dynamics of your meeting, the people, the activities and social interaction is invaluable in promoting future meetings.  These videos capture an atmosphere that your meeting participants (and hopeful participants) will want to continue to be a part of.

7- Surveys – are you taking the time to follow up with those who participated in your last meeting?  Do you know what they liked the most?  The Least?  What worked and what didn’t? Who were the best speakers and would they like for them to be included in the program again next time?  Did they like the schedule?  What would your meeting participants like to see in future meetings?  Addressing the answers to good survey questions will show your meeting participants that your organization cares enough to create the best meetings in future years.

8- Pick up the phone – we all do it, we get so wrapped up in emails that we forget the value of a personal phone call and verbal reminders of our upcoming meetings and events.  After you have sent out the preliminary meeting invitations, make reminder phone calls to as many of the invitees as possible, and recommend that they attend. Telephone calls will dramatically increase business meeting attendance.  

How to Increase Attendance for Business Meetings and Events